german comrade situation

Right from the beginning of the detention period, our comrade described the detention conditions as quite harsh and confining. No sensible clothes and shoes. Thus, fear of catching a cold, especially due to the extreme dampness in the cell. No hot water and only showers every few days for a maximum of 5min. Establishing contact with the outside world took weeks and was slowed down by a bureaucratic process. In the meantime he can talk to his parents on the phone and receives letters and parcels. He also has contact with his Hungarian lawyer – also through irregular visits. However, so far there is no contact with the lawyer from Germany. The guards often take advantage of the language barriers. For example, when the water heater arrived, they held out a paper in Hungarian for him to sign. In the end, it turned out that he had refused to accept the kettle with his signature.

Update notes May 30:

  • Daily 1 hour yard walk in a relatively confined rooftop area.
  • 3 man room
  • Showers only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays, but idR once a week : 5min with 2 showers and 3man.
  • Food continues to be insufficient on a normal diet – shopping only every 2 weeks and then only quickly through the store.
  • No refrigeration facilities for the food purchased in the cell.
  • No TV at the moment, as needed for Hungarian inmates.
  • Power on only during highly restricted hours.
  • Requests for access to account information, hairdressing, etc. are accepted or discarded at whim.
  • Shorts are forbidden – depending on the guard