Update on the prison situation

Despite many difficulties, after a long time we were able to get a picture of the current situation, especially through exchanges with the Hungarian defenders, which in some points differs from the previous information. Currently, only the Italian comrade-in-arms is detained for alleged involvement in the incidents in which some militant Nazis were injured. Of the five incidents, all of which occurred in the days leading up to the “Day of Honor” in Budapest, investigators want to prove that the female comrade-in-arms may have been involved in two of them. She is no longer under investigation for the first attack, as she was able to prove her absence at the time in question by means of airline tickets.
The German detainee is now not directly accused of the alleged assault at the time, but of his alleged involvement in an international criminal organization, the existence of which investigators want to prove.

So the charges are quite different and so are the penalties that will be imposed if convicted by the Hungarian judiciary.
In both cases, the investigations are still ongoing, but we know that the maximum duration of pre-trial detention for the Italian companion is 4 years. The final sentence in case of conviction, on the other hand, will be between 2 and 12 years in prison. In summary, only the Italian companion is detained on charges of aggravated assault, and the duration of pre-trial detention may still be very long.

As mentioned above, her prison conditions have improved after an initial difficult period. She regularly receives packages from the embassy with pretty much everything she requests, relations with her fellow prisoners are very good and she has a cell phone with which she can contact her Hungarian lawyers and the Italian embassy at any time. Unfortunately, conversations with family members and friends, and thus any kind of communication and correspondence, are still forbidden because of the authorities’ threat of blacking out evidence. Both the lawyers and the embassy are trying to defuse this situation, but no one knows if or when more direct contact will be possible. Through the same lawyers, we are constantly kept informed about her psychophysical condition, which is good so far, and about the development of the legal proceedings.

In the next few months, a request for house arrest on Italian although it is unlikely that the local authorities will agree to this request. authorities will agree to this request, as it is in the interest of the in the interest of the authorities to avoid the risk of her leaving the Hungarian territory, that she leaves the Hungarian territory.

At the same time, on June 14, the detention was extended until August 14.
The lawyers expect that the detention will be further extended in view of the indirect evidence collected by the police so far. In addition, the result of an anthropometric report requested by the prosecution – that is, a video analysis comparing the stature of the fellow soldier with that of the person seen on the videos – will be presented in August.
It is important to understand that given the delicate legal situation, the imprisonment can still last for a very long time and therefore the legal costs and the costs of keeping the comrade-in-arms in jail are and will be enormous. For this reason, we ask everyone to support the Solidarity Fund established for this occasion with any kind of donation, contribution or initiative to help her in this difficult and protracted situation.

For donations:
Account holders: Alice Zaffaroni & Martina Franchi
IBAN: LT52 3250 0629 2249 2633